Bless Up: Snapchat’s Most Gifted Rappers

With the Grammys this evening, we’re on the edge of our proverbial seats wondering if and how our favorite rappers are going to be Snapping. Hell, a year ago, these guys weren’t even on the damn thing, but in just a few short months, they’ve become our favorite people to keep up with (and, no, we don’t just mean DJ Khaled, although he’s carved quite a niche for himself with his endless lessons on “keys 2 success”). We mean the hip-hop stars doing more than just snapping studio sessions and flying private. Each one on this list is uniquely different, and depending on your own proclivities, we think you’ll find at least one of these Snappers to be just your type.

So, which Snapchatting rapper are you?

#snapchat #blessup #rappers

**PRO TIP: on your mobile phone, save the snapcode to your library by holding down on the image and saving it. Then, add it into Snapchat for easy finding and following.


Follow @djkhaled on Instagram

You’re DJ Khaled, creator of the best snapchat story ever wherein you got lost at sea, if: you’re more interested in snapping your personal philosophies than mostly anything else, you love discussing personal hygiene, and you have a keen, burgeoning interest in gardening. Key 2 success.

Snapchat Handle: djkhaled305

Instagram followers: 2.9m

Location: Miami, FL

Follow @richforever on Instagram

You’re Rick Ross, hip hop’s reigning boss if: you’re new to healthy eating (he just lost about 100 pounds), love driving Maybachs, enjoy taking in some rap tunes poolside and tormenting your adversaries. Or driving in circles around your own driveway, casually addressing your many cars.

Snapchat handle: ferrarifatboy

Instagram followers: 4.5m

Location: Atlanta, GA

Follow @bigsean on Instagram

You’re Big Sean, the most unexpected mouthpiece for the Flint Water Crisis if: you eat Chipotle everyday but skip the guac, spilling your own secrets, flying private and bragging about it, and recording songs exclusively your very baller in-home studio.

Snapchat handle: bigseansnapped

Instagram followers: 5.4m

Location: Detroit, MI

Follow @fekkyofficial on Instagram

You’re Fekky, the grime-rap underdog of London’s hip hop scene, if: you share your music and mixtapes for free, you’re brutally honest about the cost of rap videos, saying things like “It cost £500 just to get on this yacht”, spewing other Fekkyisms and being a true work-a-holic. Also, if you love beautiful watches.

Snapchat handle: fekkyofficial

Instagram followers: 69.9k

Location: London, UK

Follow @privatekanye on Instagram

You’re Kanye West, Mr Kardashian, if: you make false claims about forthcoming projects’ release dates and other things, you can’t stop turning the camera on your significant other’s, er, assets, you have an absurdly cute baby.

Snapchat handle: themrwest

Instagram followers: 465k

Location: Los Angeles, CA