Welcome to the Instagram world, Fatherly!
We have a birth announcement! A new social media star is born, Fatherly, which as the name suggests, is a parenting resource for dads who, as they say, “want to be great fathers without turning into cliches.” It’s a site for amazing men who also happen to be dads, covering topics like music, culture and travel. So, as of today, the site which came into this world only nine months ago is (finally) stepping into the ‘gram game. We asked our friends there to tell us which dads they love to follow.
You know, because Father(ly) knows best.
We started Fatherly as a parenting resource for men who understand that embracing what they’ve become doesn’t mean giving up who they are. We break all of our content down by age from expecting to 5+, and then tell you about everything from getting your house baby-ready to the stages of eating solid food to what to do with your tiny human being once he starts walking and talking and demanding to be shown a good time. Another thing you’ll get only from us? Unconventional ideas that turn you into super-dad: hide-and-go-seek tips from Navy SEALS, how to teach your kid about Bowie’s coolness or how to adjust your 9-5.
As of today, we’re doing the same thing on Instagram, just in bite-size format, and these are our select cuts. It’s a list of dads we love for their unique take on fatherhood. From adventurer-photographers to DJs to illustrators, these guys embody the maxim that it’s the kid’s job to grow up, not yours.