One thing’s for sure: there’s never been a better time to take good care of yourself. “Healthy” menus are actually enjoyable, athleisure’s a full-blown wardrobe choice, and making smart —like, not ordering that extra Negroni at 3 AM—is, you know, legit. But that all started with wellness-minded pioneers who realized that embracing a healthy lifestyle is about balance, and you can have fun doing it.
So, on the heels of our Wednesday list of clean-eating feeds, we caught up with the whipsmart, beautiful badasses Tara and Jessie of How You Glow. Exclusively with us, they opened up their Insta-Rolodex. And now that the platform got a fresh makeover, shouldn’t your follow list as well?
Here, the feeds they love, get inspired by, and check for an instant hit of happy.
#cleaneating #howyouglow #healthyliving #wellness #healthyfoodporn #travel
Jessie Goveman and Tara Sowlaty, the founders of How You Glow, say:
We founded How You Glow as a wellness destination and lifestyle source for health-driven individuals seeking inspiration and in-the-know tips on how to live the best life possible. We’re a healthy pair ourselves: A holistic nutritionist and chef (Tara) and a certified art therapist and yoga teacher (Jessie), and we came together with a mutual passion for helping people become their healthiest and happiest, in a balanced, approachable way. How You Glow provides access to inventive nourishment through recipes, city guides, beauty insight, health and fitness recommendations, playlists, hotel and restaurant reviews and more.
Real talk, we LOVE food. So we look to instagram mainly for all of the food inspiration it offers. From restaurants, to recipes, to straight up drool-worthy images, instagram is our go-to for culinary delights. When it’s not food that we’re looking for, it’s creativity, travel inspiration, getting turned on to new brands, connecting with like-minded entrepreneurs from around the world, some good laughs, and of course catching up with family and friends.