Our 100th Issue: Our Fastest-Growing Feeds

Today, we’re turning 100.

Sort of.

This is our 100th Gramlist which is surprising even us. Time flies when you’re having fun, and we’ve spent the past eight months investigating what “influence” means now, unearthing brilliant creatives on the rise whose growing, loyal fanbases are super-engaged and trusting. With good reason—the feeds we share in these thrice-weekly themed lists are picked for their honesty, legit POV and unique aesthetic. (What we’re saying: extra-large follower counts don’t mean as much as a smaller group of who really care what someone’s saying, ya dig?) Proof? The two fastest-growing feeds right now belong to people at the center of conversations: Bernie Sanders, for instance, or Joel Berry, the Tar Heels’ point guard. (More on that later.) For now, these are the five on the rise at record pace.

Thanks for being apart of the adventure so far. Stay tuned-way more to come.