It ain’t over ’til it’s over. Here’s how the people of Instagram are feeling about #election2016* in its final days.
*Instagram’s COO has called this the most visual election ever. Well, of course, but also, great listen.
#election2016 #ivotelove #getoutthevote
“Kids. Why can’t we all just be friends?! This #election2016 #ivotelove #loveistheanswer”
Location: Philadelphia
Followers: 13k
Job : Dancer, Mover, Shaker
“You rang? #imwithher”
Location: New York, NY
Job : Brand Experience, @Refinery29
“Every kid’s dream President…PIZZA!!! @fabkids
Don’t forget to vote on Nov. 8th friends! #ministylehacker #fabkids #pizza #president #election2016”
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Followers: 256k
Job : Kids’ Style Blogger
“#PensForFreedom at #Stureplan #Stockholm You can also participate, post your piece with #PensForFreedom.
#streetart #instaart #trumpthebarbarian #antitrump #donaldtrump #nevertrump #votenofortrump #notrump2016 #makeamericagreatagain #trump2016 #elections2016″
Location: Around the world
Followers: 128
Job : Illustrator collective
“T-4 days to the election. Our kids have now picked two presidential and vice presidential candidates: Cat and The Hat and Fantastic Mr. Fox against BFG and Gandalf! #grateful100 #day29 #teachersfollowteachers #teachersofinstagram #iteachthird #socialstudies #election2016”
Location: Cambridge, MA
Followers: 226
Job : Future Teacher
“Better to be a unicorn #election2016 #uselection”
Location: Dallas, TX
Followers: 409
Job : Software Developer
“I’m really liking these @starbucks cups for the election. The image is apparently drawn with one continuous line, which is pretty impressive. It represents unity and community. No matter the outcome next week, we need to remember to be good to each other. #begoodtoeachother #starbucks #election2016”
Location: New York, NY
Followers: 432
Job : NYU Med Student
“I have to hand it to @katiehund … she came up with a simple and brilliant idea to have an election party before Tuesday, to talk through all the CA propositions and candidates. Each participant of the election party has to study 3 props / candidates and come prepared to share info on them. Brian and I are studying hard… thanks for inspiring us to dig into these issues and be learners, Katie! #katiehund2016 #smartfriends #election2016”
Location: Santa Cruz, CA
Followers: 504
Job : Communications at Vintage Faith Church
“An art project by @marknystromstudio, randomly generates statements with words found on political websites.
@hillaryclinton @realdonaldtrump #hillaryclinton #donaldtrump #ClintonKaine2016 #TrumpPence2016 #ImWithHer #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #MAGA #2016election #election2016 #president #politics #news #journalism #journalist #reporter #politicalreporter #art #politicalart #contemporaryart #newmedia #graphicdesign #typography #vote”
Location: Boone, NC
Followers: 259
Job : Artist
“You heard it from the most erudite dog on the block: nasty women vote #dogsofinsta #nastywomenvote #igny #election2016 #FromWhereIStand2016”
Location: Washington, D.C.
Followers: 209
Job : Government and Politics Extern at Facebook